
Oxshott Community Hub


Oxshott Community Hub

The current building was second-hand when erected in 1968 and has now reached the end of its life. It is no longer watertight, is subsiding at one end, has no insulation and an ineffective heating system.

The new building will have as low an impact on the environment as possible with low energy lighting, proper insulation, and double glazing. It will offer disabled access and toilet facilities which are currently lacking. It will have a properly fitted-out kitchen with storage and meeting rooms which are fit for purpose. The building will be large enough to store outdoor camping equipment, which is currently housed in two damp shipping containers, and allow space to undertake many indoor physical activities.

The Oxshott Community Hub will be a great addition to the wider community and Oxshott Scouts and Guides.

Your Fund Surrey Large Community Projects has grant funded £1,187,817 towards the creation of The Oxshott Community Hub. 

Further information:

www.oxshott-scouts.org/new-hall , Facebook – Girlguiding Cobham District

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